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The Clog

This started as a blog about living abroad for 7 months, but the reality of getting a job has me talking about other topics while in between countries. (Above photo taken on return trip from Mexico, 2008. Looks like castles in the sky.)

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Monday, August 10, 2009

unidentified food

after surviving a hangover that could have killed hercules, i am finally able to get out and use thie internet. but i discover my new internet place is closed for a while for repairs (?) so i decide to go to the grocery store instead. on my way home, i stop at a roadside stand to buy rotisserie chicken, one of my favorite foods in any country. a few middle-aged men are inside drinking beers and eating some appetizers. one man dipped what looked like a piece of sausage into *farofa and handed it to me on a toothpick, asking if i knew what it was. but before he could get the name out in portuguese, i had already shoved it in my mouth, excited to try something new. the piece of inards was not a heart but a liver or perhaps tongue of some animal, probably a chicken, soft, dissolving in my mouth with a gamey flavor. it was probably the worst thing i have taasted since the fish eyeball. it stuck in the corners of my gums and teeth and i couldn~t get the flavor out of my mouth. but what is travel without trying new things?

*farofa- dry manioc flour, much like cornmeal but finely ground. sauteéd with butter and onions and used as a topping for meats and beans.

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