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The Clog

This started as a blog about living abroad for 7 months, but the reality of getting a job has me talking about other topics while in between countries. (Above photo taken on return trip from Mexico, 2008. Looks like castles in the sky.)

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

haven't posted in a while and this is a nothing post

sitting in the apt. doing nothing but this. totally blanked on what to write next in my book. really stoked about going to st. louis in two days, san antonio two days later and taipei over the new year for a month. all i've been doing is working. i gave a friend $100 because he was stuck in portland with a dead aunt and a dying sister, and no money. i got a new netbook. it's only a 10 inch screen, so it's like a barbie computer. i can hear the crazy people downstairs at the bars yelling. not the bar people, but people on the street. like, crackheads. i also hear the bottle collectors. i have begun to appreciate that sound. it happens every morning and it reminds me i'm in san francisco.

the giants lost. oh well. i'm glad that's finally over. who cares about baseball? the most boring sport outside of golf.... i'm not sorry to offend. but whatever, to each his own. no! i'm not finished! in baseball, you wait around for the ball to come to you, wait around to bat. there are 9 innings and fat guys running around in circles. tell me this is a sport! now soccer is a sport.

speaking of which, too bad spain won the world cup instead of brazil.

in other news, i'm going to taipei for a month over the new year. nothing special. just me alone in another country.... sense the sarcasm? i'm scared as hell but i do have one distant friend who will show me around. i am new to the language (meaning, i know nothing). i wouldn't even know how to get from the airport to wherever i'm staying. it's all one big adventure. so is life!

speaking of adventures, i had the pleasure of eating veal tongue and pig face yesterday. andrew zimmern from the bizarre foods show, showed up near my neighborhood and served weird food out of a school bus, of all places.
i met him and he's a stand up guy.

well that's my rant for the night.

all is well that ends well.

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