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The Clog

This started as a blog about living abroad for 7 months, but the reality of getting a job has me talking about other topics while in between countries. (Above photo taken on return trip from Mexico, 2008. Looks like castles in the sky.)

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Life isn't one big party"

That's what my mother always used to tell me growing up, and it always put a damper on my day.
I never thought of every day as one big party, but it should be! It should be a celebration of life! What are we here for otherwise? Yes, some days are work. But within my contribution to the world, within that one trade I have to give in return for food and goods, I am still celebrating.

But today is one of those days where celebration didn't make it onto my google calendar. I came to Hualien to see the famous and majestic Taroko Gorge that is accessible by a bus ride and a long long hike where you are constantly watching for falling rocks and trying not to slip off the edge of a ridge. When you finally arrive, there are crystal blue hot springs and you can see the floor of the gorge and your feet on the ground through the water. Sounds like a party to me!!!! But not for me. Not this time. Mother nature has suppressed me by reminding me I'm not allowed to have fun. Not only can I not go into the water while menstruating, there are no bathrooms on the footpath for a long while. There would be nowhere to "attend" to Mother Nature.

Well, you won this time. But I'll be back into full swing before you can say "wet blanket".

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