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This started as a blog about living abroad for 7 months, but the reality of getting a job has me talking about other topics while in between countries. (Above photo taken on return trip from Mexico, 2008. Looks like castles in the sky.)

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Monday, May 3, 2010

testing out tips of the week for the urban cowgirl blog

How often should someone with curly hair wash her hair?

Well, that depends. But most of the time, the answer is never.
Unless your hair gets incredibly oily, you don't ever need to wash your hair again.

The sebaceous glands are what produce oil in our skin and hair. When you shampoo your hair, even with a moisturizing shampoo, you remove these oils that naturally give moisture to your hair shaft.

The best thing to do, for people who have wavy or course, curly hair, is to apply conditioner at the beginning of your shower. The hair can be detangled with a wide-toothed comb or pick. Leave the conditioner in while you do everything else in the shower. Massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers. This both distributes the oils and removes any dirtiness. Rinse the conditioner with cool water. The cool water will seal the hair shaft, allowing for shine.

When you dry your hair, never rub vigorously on the hair. A simple towel wrap out of the shower is perfect. Rubbing will only frizz your hair. Put a dab of conditioner in your hand and emulsify it like lotion. Then, apply it to your towel-dried hair from scalp to ends, not combing your fingers through your hair, rather "petting" your hair with the conditioner. Make sure you have distributed it through the ends, the most important parts. Then, pick up locks of hair from the ends and twist them in your finger until the curls have locked together. Any professional conditioner will do. It doesn't have to be "leave in". This will keep your hair moisturized throughout the day. In most cases, you don't need a styling product. If you feel you do need more control, you can "cocktail" products by mixing your conditioner with a styling creme. For styling products, I would recommend Redken's All Soft Heavy Cream and Bumble & Bumble's Curl Creme. Redken's Outshine is also a light styling cream with little scent.

Once your hair is dry, you should have soft, shiny curls!

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